Feb 09' CB400SUPERSPORT Work

Next phase of my life is the 75' CB400SS. Notice how I chronically map out my life..by my builds. Its not the sadist thing in my life but most rewarding.

This bike has not needed a lot of work and it should turn out to be the best build so far. In the past posts I showed a little of cleaning and carb work. This section is all engine work, top end to be specific.

First the turn down and a looksy.

It looks fun....anything but more carb work on this 4 cyc would be. I want to break this bike down to check out the pistons and rings. O, CAREFULL WITH THE WASHERS. I dropped one down the timing chain space. And they are not magnetic being brass washers. Shit

I got down to the rings and to check them put them down the cylinder and measure the ring end gaps and check with the Man to see if they are within spec. Damn the look good. My original assumption of low pressure is not he rings. I should remove as much carbon deposit as possible while Im down here though. WIRE BRUSS. O and were gloves, I got a nasty wire bruss cut :(

The next thing to do in top end work is to valve lap and clean the cumbustion chamber. All you need is a good wire brush and lapping tools. Metal grindding compund and a lapping stick (a way to spin the valve in position).

Use a valve tool to get it out. These valves were dirter than and street walker I've met. Clean em up with a wire brush minding the edge where the valve rests in place. BAM! CLEAN! Put a coat of lapping compound and lapp it in place. Clean off the lapping compoud and done, just 7 more. Doing one at a time a replacing the valve prevents mixing parts too!! Secret mechanics code.

Then check all your oil paths and orifices. ha orifice. Then put it back together. A little assemble oil would be nice for all the places that need oil before you start it again. Then ride off into the sunset....