Crusing right along

The only thing holding us back is money. So I manned up and worked 40 hrs a week for a bit. But I still get some time to build. Soon I will be working a little less and have more time to build. But here is a little progress for now...

As usual I start looking for inspiration. Found a bunch of random photos of ideas and weird things in general. I am going to run all my wiring though copper pluming, and might try to make a battery box out of the pluming too. I really like the wood and steel look to, maybe a wood triple tree cover?

Im pulling out a favorite builder of mine for this build. Shinya Kimura "back to basics". Inovation and creativity is the only way this guy thinks. He had an article in Feb Cycle World and it was amazing. If you ran into me I probably ranted about it. But the April issue had people really bummed about his designs. "quit drilling so many holes in parts", "complaining about "metaphysical, pseudo-Japanese Kimura history" and "draw the line between genius and madness" comparing The Who and Shinya!? So I voiced my opinion to Cycle World to show people like creativity and not just changing a seat on a Harley and calling it custom. And Im not blaming CW they are just the messenger.

You be the judge...

A couple more CL350 ideas...

So I started drawing in my little journal and forming ideas. Im also working on a energy transfer magneto I found an artical on from OhioCafeRacers.

A lot of useful things on here. Even fork tube sizes for just about any bike.


Anonymous April 12, 2010  

so definitely awesome!