Back to the Garage

I didn't think I would me away from my bike for too long. I did some reading and investigating on misfires. It either air/fuel ratio, spark or compression. The other thing that I have changed recently was the new coil. After navigating the vast seas of the "inter web" i kind of figured it was spark related, either timing or the spark itself. I took some pictures of what my bad point looks like. Sever pitting and burning. See the white bust on the point edges. These guys are only 200 miles old. Something is wrong with this picture.

I believe it has to do with the current flowing through the point. I read a couple of places that says 4 amps is the limit. With my sick math skills, 12volts=current*(1.4ohms) with the new coils the current is 8.5 amps! With the old coils the current is more like 3 ohms. That is the suspect, some new point, maybe condenser and an added ballast resistor to chill the current down.

I welded some neat brackets for the new coils too. I need to either write NOS on them or paint them black...