July 20, mile 0

Lack of sleep and not having a job took the the last bit of energy I had today. I feel on the couch with a piece of ham in my hand. When I woke up I had a flash of "why didn't I think of that before".

I have been switching back to my CB400 whenever I need a break from 2 smokin. It as been leaking gas out the overflow and not running very well in general. For some reason today it hit me I had set the float levels wrong. WTF. I do not have the manual on hand and was just using what I last used on the gauge, way wrong. Set them and the bike idles. Fuckin right. Now I figured out the after playing with the bike and kicking and kicking and restarting and restarting the battery is down the shitter. After that it should be cool.

Almost in the same moment I realized why the R5's clutch had not engaged. The f'in push rod was backwards and the end was not seating in the clutch rotation thing. Now Im going to get the cable back from CRC and roll out on that beast! Every now and again you have to step back and forget about it for a clear look next time.

O yeah, did I tell you I got the R5 tip top. See you out on the road.